You never know what is round the next corner |
We are once again walking on our own as we said goodbye to Mary Power this morning. She had already walked from Seville to Merida and on this occasion was walking from Merida to Salamanca. Next May she will be back to do another stretch or perhaps go all the way to Santiago. We'll miss her company and will have to revert to talking about the neighbours!
We were anticipating a 15km day, three times round the quarry, so we were able to attend the 8:30am Mass in the Real Colegio Escoceses and have breakfast with Mary before her taxi arrived. We left at the same time and were on the road, mostly uphill, for more than 30 minutes before we were out of the city.
It was an uneventful walk, on a cool overcast morning, although we did pass an old plane on the way, it was stationary of course. We also went through two villages. We sat on a bench for a snack at the first and had a bocadillo for lunch in a bar at the second. I was speaking to a local, with fairly good English, who told me that he lived in this small out of the way village but met people from all over the world (walking the Camino). He wanted to know if we lived near Spanish Point.
The closed albergue |
Some days ago another Peregrino received a text message from a friend saying that an albergue two stages further on had been closed to fumigate for bed bugs. I wasn't surprised, therefore, when we arrived at today's albergue to find that it had been closed because of "mosquitos". Fortunately there was also a hostal in the town and we checked in there - a bit more expensive than a "donativo" albergue but we are glad to have a bed. The extra walk brought our kilometres for the day up to 18. Even without that, our estimate of 15km was way out.
We made the mistake of eating in the hostal. The food was uninspiring and pricey and I feel sure we would have fared much better in the nearby bar which offered a Menu del Peregrino
480km completed, 422km to go
The remains of old Roman Miliaries (mile stones). These were recovered from a river where they supported a pontoon |
Calzada de Valdunciel |
Church at Calzada de Valdunciel |
Church at Calzada de Valdunciel |
Church at Calzada de Valdunciel |
Next: Stage 27 - Calzada de Valdunciel to El Cubo de Tierra del Vino
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