Stage 23 - La Calzada de Bejar to Fuenterroble de Salvatierra (20.2km): 20/09/2014 07:28

Leaving La Calzada de Bejar 

Once again we had a light breakfast, because it was available. That delayed our departure until 7:30 but it wasn't going to be a difficult day so we were not too concerned. We travelled for around seven kilometres on the level, or slightly downhill, without a proper break, knowing that we should arrive at a bar/cafe for a coffee. We were also tempted by the pan au chocolat when we got there. The next three kilometres was mostly uphill but we found another bar/cafe in the village at the top. This time we had a cold drink. After that we had more easy walking with a gentle climb towards the end.

We arrived at Fuenterroble de Salvatierra around 2:00pm, feeling not too bad at all. Of course, how we feel is all relative - a 20km walk takes it out of you but we didn't feel totally wrecked.

We had a communal meal in what was a very attractive and friendly albergue. For some reason there was a great deal of horsey equipment around the place, including ten carts and buggies with iron rim wheels. This is a parochial albergue and the priest who established it is, I am told, a former bullfighter and something of a character. Unfortunately he didn't show up while we were there.

There were 14 people at the dinner table. We are still travelling with Mary, while the young German couple and the Frenchman, who were in the same albergue as us on the previous two nights, were there also. We were joined by three other walkers and five cyclists.

409km completed, 523km to go

I took many photographs around the albergue and around Fuenteroble but can no longer find them.

The albergue Fuenterroble de Salvatierra

The communal dinner
Next: Stage 24 - Fuenterroble de Salvatierra to San Pedro de Rozadas
