Stage 22 - Aldeanueva del Camino to La Calzada de Bejar (23.6km): 19/09/2014 07:09

Our albergue
I looked out to check the weather before breakfast as the forecast was poor but it was dry. By the time we had eaten our light breakfast the rain had started so the full wet gear was in use from the start. It was well into the afternoon before we felt we could dispense with the rainwear.

Today we were going into the mountains and it was uphill most of the way before we able to take a break at a cafe after some 6km. It was too wet to stop by the side of the road. The climb continued until we reached Baños de Montemayor where we wanted to eat our boccadillos so we were hoping to find a bus shelter (couldn't start eating our own food in a cafe) but instead we found a bus station. We were able to eat in some comfort.

The climb out of Baños was severe but we made it and then it was a long walk down through woods and then through farmland in a river valley. Coming over the pass we left the province of Extremadura and entered Castille y Leon. The walk finished with a 1.7km uphill slog to this remote village, which seems to have changed little over the centuries.

By my calculation we must have climbed a total of 600m (2,000ft) today. We are lucky we are going through the passes as the highest nearby mountain appears to be Calvitero which is 2,405m (7,890ft).

We have the same companions in this albergue as we had last night. Tonight, however, we all ate together in the albergue where the hospitalera cooked and her husband served - lentil soup (with the option of a second helping), a generous serving of grilled pork with salad, and ice cream, all for €9. That also covered the wine, water and bread that was provided.

389km completed, 543km to go

Looking down on Banos de Montemayor - about 10km into today's walk

La Calzada de Bejar

La Calzada de Bejar
Next: Stage 23 - La Calzada de Bejar to Fuenterroble de Salvatierra
