Our Camino - the Last word - November 2, 2014

I should really have wrapped up our odyssey by thanking all our Facebook friends for your good wishes and messages of encouragement and support along the way, and for your congratulatory notes when we finally reached Santiago. We have had a wonderful experience and I would recommend it to anyone. We met many interesting people along the way and we visited remarkable towns and cities, places which although steeped in history, we hadn't heard of before we started planning our Camino. We are also feeling much fitter than when we set out. One last anecdote before I sign off - at the end of the communal dinner in the albergue in Tabara, Jose, the hopitalero, passed round a box containing slips of paper with thoughts for the Camino (in Spanish and English). The one which I picked carried the message "Don't dream about what you would like to live, try to live what you have been dreaming". It struck me that I was doing just that by being on the Camino. Pauline's respon...